
Tooth sensitivity is one of the most common complaints patients have. It may vary from mild symptoms related to one tooth, to more severe symptoms from many teeth. Sensitivity has a number of causes.


  • The most common causes of sensitivity are
  • Recession
  • Tooth grinding
  • Recent dental treatment

It is important to establish the cause of sensitivity so we treat it as well as the symptom.

Most recession is caused by aggressive manual tooth brushing. Correct use of an electric tooth brush should prevent further recession. Dentine becomes exposed which contains microscopic pores. These pores contain water which is moved by osmosis in the tooth. This movement "pulls" on the nerve in the tooth causing pain.

Tooth grinding can be treated using a night guard or a CEREZEN device at the Limes Dental Practice.

Sensitivity following dental treatment can be normal. You will be advised what to expect by your dentist or hygienist.


Sensitivity is treated using applications of medicaments to the surfaces of affected teeth.

In Surgery treatment

Your dentist or hygienist can paint varnishes onto your teeth. This will reduce sensitivity by plugging the microscopic pores in your exposed dentine. Other varnishes increase the density of the dentine, making the pores smaller.

Home Treatment

Use of sensitive toothpastes daily will reduce and help resolve sensitivity. Do not rinse or mouth wash after using sensitive toothpastes. This washes away the helpful components.

Rubbing these toothpastes directly onto affected teeth is also beneficial.

In more extreme cases your dentist will make use of close fitting gum guards. These are filled with desentizing agents and worn at night whilst you sleep.